What Battery Does a Jetson Bolt Pro e-Bike Use?

If you want to know what battery the Jetson Bolt Pro uses keep reading. Also, learn how long this battery lasts and how big it is.

What Battery Does a Jetson Bolt Pro e-Bike Use?

The Jetson Bolt Pro e-bike is equipped with a lithium-ion battery. Here are the key specifications, for those who are interested in the details;

  • Voltage; Typically the Jetson Bolt Pro battery operates at 36 volts.
  • Capacity; The battery usually has a total of around 6Ah (Ampere hours) which indicates how much charge it can hold.
  • Range; When fully charged the Jetson Bolt Pro can travel distances of 15 miles. However, this may vary depending on factors such as the rider’s weight, terrain, and riding style.

Charging the Battery of the Jetson Bolt Pro

The e-bike comes with a charger that directly plugs into the bike. Here are some general tips, for charging;

  • Duration; It typically takes about 4 to 5 hours to charge from a depleted state.
  • Safety; Always use either the charger that comes with the bike or one that is specifically recommended by Jetson. Using a charger can potentially damage the battery. Void any warranties.
  • Optimal Charging; To prolong battery life it is advisable not to drain it before recharging. Instead, it is recommended to recharge the battery when it reaches 20% charge.

Battery Lifespan and Replacement

The lithium-ion battery used in the Jetson Bolt Pro is designed to maintain the majority of its capacity after a hundred charging cycles. However, like any battery, its performance will gradually decline over time. Here are some tips to ensure that the battery remains in good condition for a period;

  • Storage; If you won’t be using the e-bike for an extended period store the battery in a cool and dry place. It is also advisable to charge it to, around 50 to 60% than leaving it fully charged or completely drained.
  • Replacement; While the original battery is built to be durable there may come a time when you need to replace it after a year of use. Always choose replacement batteries or those recommended by Jetson to ensure compatibility and safety.

How Long Does the Battery Last on a Jetson Bolt Pro Electric Bike?

When fully charged this battery is designed to provide a range of 15 miles although the actual distance can vary depending on factors. It’s important to note that this is an estimate. And real-world conditions can influence the battery life.

Factors that affect battery duration

The length of time that a single charge, on the Jetson Bolt Pro lasts depends on the following factors;

  • Riders Weight; Riders who weigh more may experience a range as the motor needs to exert more energy.
  • Terrain; Riding on rough surfaces requires energy compared to riding on flat terrain.
  • Riding Mode; The choice between using pedal assist or throttle mode can impact how much power the battery consumes.
  • Weather Conditions; Cold temperatures can affect battery performance. Riding against winds may lead to decreased range.
  • Battery Health; Over time like any rechargeable batteries the overall capacity may degrade, resulting in reduced range on a charge.

Tips, for maximizing battery life

To ensure you maximize your Jetson Bolt Pros battery life here are some tips;

  • Maintenance; Keep the battery contacts clean and regularly inspect the components of your e-bike. A maintained electric bike tends to run efficiently.
  • To ensure charging it is advisable to disconnect the battery of the Jetson Bolt Pro once it has reached charge even though the bike is designed to prevent overcharging. Additionally, it is recommended to avoid depleting the battery before recharging.
  • For storage, during periods of non-use, it’s best to keep the e-bike in a cool and dry place. Extreme temperatures, whether cold, can impact the battery’s health.
  • To maximize range and efficiency try using the pedal assist mode whenever possible. This mode combines power with power allowing for increased distance coverage.
  • Regularly checking and maintaining the recommended tire pressure is crucial. Under-inflated tires can cause increased resistance while riding and result in battery consumption.

How Big is the Jetson Bolt Pro Battery?

Kitchen weight scale.
Kitchen weight scale.

The Jetson Bolt Pro comes with a 36V, 6Ah lithium-ion battery. This means that the battery can theoretically provide a current of 6 amperes for one hour at a voltage of 36V.

What does this mean for the range and performance?

Battery capacity plays a role, in determining how far you can travel on a charge. For the Jetson Bolt Pro, the mentioned battery capacity translates to a range of up to 15 miles under conditions. However real-world performance may vary depending on factors like terrain rider weight, weather conditions, and riding habits.

Charging time

Another important factor to consider is how long it takes to charge the battery. Typically it takes around 5 hours to charge a depleted Jetson Bolt Pro battery. It’s always advised to keep the battery charged and avoid letting it drain frequently since lithium-ion batteries tend to have longer lifespans when properly maintained.

How does it compare?

When comparing the Jetson Bolt Pros battery with bikes, in its category its compact size and respectable range make it stand out.

The battery of the Jetson Bolt Pro may not be the largest available. Considering the design of the bike and its intended purpose, for commutes and leisure rides it provides a reasonable balance between size, weight, and performance.

Taking care of the battery is crucial, for ensuring an optimal performance just like any other rechargeable battery.

Here are some tips to follow;

  • Avoid Extreme Temperatures; It’s best to avoid subjecting the battery to low temperatures.
  • Regular Charging; Make it a habit to charge the battery regularly instead of letting it discharge completely.
  • Storage; If you’re planning not to use the bike for a period store the battery in a dry place while remembering to charge it every few months.

By following these recommendations you can ensure that your Jetson Bolt Pros battery remains in condition for a period.