Is It Safe To Bike In 90 Degree Weather?

If it is hot in your area, or you are traveling to a warm location, you may wonder if cycling is a good idea, or not…

Is It Safe To Bike In 90-Degree Weather?

If you take the right precautions, it can be safe to ride your bike in 90-degree weather, and your doctor has not advised otherwise due to any known health issues. But, it’s not advisable if it can be avoided.

When riding in hot temperatures, you must listen to your body’s signals to take a break, and you must make efforts to rehydrate yourself regularly. Riding your bike in the heat can become unsafe pretty quickly if you’re not adequately prepared to handle it.

When you’re starting to ride your bike in the heat, you’ll likely find that it’s a bit of a challenge to sustain your momentum. The good news is your body will learn to adapt to the heat when you do this type of cycling regularly. This doesn’t mean you can forgo sun protection and hydration; it just means that cycling in the heat will become easier.

What Temperature Is Too Hot To Bike Ride?

A man riding a bike outdoors, in the hot sun.
A man riding a bike outdoors, in the hot sun.

There is no specific temperature that is guaranteed to be too hot to bike ride, but temperatures over 100 degrees Fahrenheit might make it increasingly difficult to remain comfortable while riding. It’ll depend on your heat tolerance, the type of ride you’re looking to embark on, and how hydrated you can keep yourself.

If you are someone who struggles with regulating your body temperature or gets hot very easily, it may not be wise for you to ride your bike in high temperatures.

Is It Bad To Cycle In The Heat?

Cycling in the heat is not bad but it can be dangerous if you don’t do it carefully. You’ll ultimately have to decide how comfortable you are when it comes to the heat, as you’ll be working up a much more vigorous sweat faster than you usually would.

Having a lot of water with you is key, as is making sure you have sunglasses and a hat or helmet. You should also wear sunscreen and find opportunities to take a break in the shade occasionally.

How Can I Ride My Bike On A Hot Day?

Adequate sun protection and hydration are two of the biggest priorities to be able to ride your bike on a hot day safely and comfortably. You also want to make sure your clothing is thin and breathable. If you can find moisture-wicking athletic wear, this is ideal.

It should be form-fitting so you can avoid having it get caught in your bike during a breeze.

Should I Cycle In A Heat Wave?

Cycling in a heat wave is not advisable, especially if you want to ride when the sun is at its brightest. If you don’t want to miss a day, try and schedule your bike ride early in the morning or in the evening when temperatures are a little bit more bearable.

It can be very difficult to stay safe when outdoors during a heat wave, and with the intensity of a bike ride causing you to sweat and heat up, even more, you can get sick very easily and quickly.

Does Heat Affect Heart Rate When Cycling?

Heat can have an impact on your heart rate, especially when engaged in physical activity such as cycling. The heat can also affect many other physical functions that, when combined, may not leave you feeling refreshed and invigorated after riding your bike.

Your internal body temperature is also going to rise as you work up a sweat, which you’re likely already doing given the heat of the summer. You might also find your skin feels hot. Once you pass a certain threshold of activity in the heat, your blood lactate will also activate, which can make it more laborious to continue.

Can You Get Heat Stroke From Cycling?

You can risk developing heat stroke if you’re cycling for too long outside in the heat without adequate breaks and hydration. This is why paying attention to your body and its signals that it’s time to stop is crucial.

When you’re approaching heat stroke, you’ll start to feel slightly disoriented and find it’s getting increasingly difficult to continue. Even though you have been sweating and it’s hot out, you’ll also start to feel cold and your skin will feel cold to the touch as well. If this happens, you should stop and get medical attention.

How Do Bikers Stay Cool In Summer?

Cyclists riding their bikes outdoors in the sun while wearing thin athletic wear.
Cyclists ride their bikes outdoors in the sun while wearing thin athletic wear.

There are a few tricks that bikers employ to stay cool during their summer rides. A lot of cyclists will wear a bandana on their neck that they’ll either freeze or soak in cold water. While it might seem a bit uncomfortable, some cyclists will wear wet t-shirts as well.

You can find athletic wear that is thin and comfortable that also helps keep your sweat in check. There are also increasingly innovative clothing pieces that help keep you cool, such as a hydration vest, though these products can be pricey.

Does Cycling In The Heat Burn More Calories?

Cycling in the heat does burn more calories, but this doesn’t mean you should push yourself too hard to maximize your workout. You run the risk of getting overheated quickly which can end up being hazardous to your health. It cannot be stressed enough how important it is to continue to drink water during your bike ride in the heat.

Furthermore, if you are doing the same workout, your body gets used to it pretty easily. If you don’t end up changing up your routine, your body won’t burn those extra calories the way it used to. Taking frequent breaks when riding in hot weather isn’t going to impact how effective your workout is.

Why Do I Feel So Hot After Cycling?

Even if you’re not cycling in the summer heat, you end up getting hot after cycling because the activity is causing your body temperature to rise. As your body temperature goes up, you’ll start to sweat.

Sweat is your body’s way of trying to bring your body temperature back down to a normal range.