Does Jetson Bolt Pro fit in a trunk?

If you’re curious, about whether the Jetson Bolt Pro can fit in your car trunk keep reading. You’ll also learn about how to store it and the dimensions of this e-bike.

Does Jetson Bolt Pro fit in a trunk?

Absolutely! For many car owners, the Jetson Bolt Pro e-Bike fits perfectly in the trunk making it a convenient option for urban commuting. However, it’s always an idea to measure your trunk and consider any obstructions.

If there’s space the Jetson Bolt Pro offers a fantastic combination of car and bike commuting providing flexibility and convenience in urban environments.

Overview of the Jetson Bolt Pro e-Bike

Before I dive into its dimensions let’s take a look at what makes the Jetson Bolt Pro so impressive.

  • Compact Design; Unlike other e-bikes the Jetson Bolt Pro features a compact frame. Its design caters to commuters who prioritize portability and convenience, over long-distance rides.
  • Foldable Features; One of its standout characteristics is its ability to fold. The handlebars and pedals can be folded inward reducing its profile significantly.
  • Performance; Despite its size, the Jetson Bolt Pro doesn’t compromise on performance. It offers a range and speed that make it suitable, for commutes or short trips around town.

Unfolded length, height & width

Let’s now get to the point. The Jetson Bolt Pro, when unfolded has a length of 40 inches a height of 37 inches, and a width (across the handlebars) of around 18 inches. Once folded it becomes considerably compact.

Most sedan trunks like those found in a Honda Accord or Toyota Camry have widths that exceed 40 inches and depths of around 20 inches or more.

Considering the folded dimensions of the Jetson Bolt Pro it should fit comfortably in these trunks. However, the height might pose some challenges, for coupes or compact sedans. So while it’s clear that the Jetson Bolt Pro can fit into trunks it may not hold true for all cars.

Things to Keep in Mind When Storing In a Car Trunk;

A backpack in a car trunk (Volkswagen Touran).
A backpack in a car trunk (Volkswagen Touran).
  • Trunk Size; Measure your trunk’s dimensions to ensure it can accommodate the e-bike. Remember that while the bike’s handlebars and pedals can fold its overall length remains unchanged.
  • Presence of Obstructions; Some trunks may have tires, tool kits, or other items that could reduce space.
  • Consider exploring storage options; If your trunk is not sufficient such, as utilizing down rear seats that can accommodate the bike.
  • Positioning; It’s crucial to position the bike correctly in the trunk to prevent it from shifting during your drives. We certainly wouldn’t want any damage to occur either to your car’s interior or the bike itself.

How do you store a Jetson Bolt Pro?

Here’s what you should do to store your Jetson Bolt Pro e-bike;

1. Preparation Before Storing

  • Clean the Bike; Make sure to clean the Jetson Bolt Pro before storing it. Use a cloth to remove any dirt, grime, or dust. Ensure that the bike is completely dry.
  • Battery Charge; Charge the battery to, around 50% or 60% before storing it. Storing the bike with a charged or fully depleted battery can negatively impact its lifespan and capacity.

2. Choosing an Appropriate Storage Space

  • Opt for a Climate Controlled Environment; It’s best to store your Jetson Bolt Pro in a dry place. Excessive moisture can damage its components while extreme temperatures can affect the battery’s performance.
  • Avoid Direct Sunlight; Prolonged exposure to sunlight can cause fading or damage to both the bike’s finish and its components.

3. Positioning the Bike

  • Store Upright; If possible store the bike in a position using a bike stand or rack. Avoid placing objects on top of it.
  • Protect it from Scratches; If you have space consider using a bike cover or soft cloth to protect your Jetson Bolt Pro from scratches or dings during storage.

4. Taking Care of the Battery

  • Consider Detaching; If you plan on storing the bike for a time it’s advisable to detach the battery and store it separately. This helps prevent any problems, like leakage or corrosion.
  • Regular Checks; When storing for a period make sure to check that the battery charges every couple of months. If it drops below 20% recharge it to maintain its condition.

5. Tire Inflation

Keep Them Inflated; It’s important to maintain the air pressure in your tires. This ensures that they don’t develop spots when your bike is stationary for a period.

6. Ensuring Security

Lock It Up; Even if you’re storing your bike indoors it’s always an idea to secure it with a lock. This acts as a deterrent, against thefts.

7. Maintenance Inspections

Regulur Check-ups; If you’re planning on storing your Jetson Bolt Pro for months conduct inspections to look out for any signs of wear,  or just, damage. Addressing any issues promptly will help keep your bike in top-notch condition.

What size is a Jetson Bolt Pro?

The Jetson Bolt Pro comes with 14-inch wheels, which strike a balance, between stability and compactness. While larger wheels are known to provide rides on terrains 14-inch wheels ensure a smooth ride on city streets while keeping the overall size of the bike in check.


  • Height; The Jetson Bolt Pro measures around 39 inches from the ground to the top of its handlebars.
  • Length; Measured from the wheel to the back it is 52 inches long.
  • Width; Across the handlebar which spans approximately 22 inches.

These dimensions make the Jetson Bolt Pro smaller than a bicycle but larger than most standard scooters.


In terms of weight, portability plays a role in mobility devices. The Jetson Bolt Pro weighs around 40 pounds making it lightweight compared to bikes but slightly heavier, than electric scooters.

When considering bikes one feature that many potential buyers consider is collapsibility.

However, the Jetson Bolt Pro doesn’t have a design, which could be a downside, for people who have limited storage space or frequently use transportation.

When considering the dimensions mentioned earlier it becomes clear that the Jetson Bolt Pro is specifically designed for commuters and individuals seeking a mode of transportation.

Its size is ideal for maneuvering through city streets avoiding pedestrians and navigating traffic when necessary. Additionally, only its compact size allows for storage at home in offices, or even, in cafes.

Nevertheless, the lack of a design means that users will need to plan when using public transportation or when they need to store it in tight spaces.