Can You Hang A Mountain Bike Vertically?

If you are lacking storage space you may be wondering if there are different ways you can hang your bike to save space…

Can You Hang A Mountain Bike Vertically?

Yes, you can, and you don’t even need to completely lift it. What you’ll need is a wall mounting bracket, so that you can simply set it at an angle where it will fit between the spokes.

You can hang it up higher, of course, and that can be useful in a crowded space, but otherwise, you can set it to stand vertically and just make sure that it is fixed into place.

Is it OK to hang your mountain bike?

A green bike hung on a wall.
A green bike hung on a wall.

Yes, you can, and despite what you’ve heard, you can hang it by the wheels from a mounted hook assembly if you like. The wheels are robust enough to be held from a hook if you are looking to hang up your bike, although a wall mounting bracket will also do quite nicely.

Hanging your bike is a good idea, as it will help to keep pressure off of your tires so that they will deflate normally at a much slower rate. You should still check air pressure weekly, but hanging your bike is still a good idea.

Is it OK to store MTB upright?

Yes, you can, although you need to make sure that you are maintaining your brakes well. Hanging the bike, either vertically or upside down, can result in the brakes becoming a little bit ‘spongy/sticky’ if they are not maintained properly.

That’s because bubbles will form, but this isn’t technically from hanging it – it just means that the brakes are not being properly maintained. Ideally, you should check your brakes every 3 to 5 normal rides, or immediately after a wet or muddy one.

Can you hang mountain bikes on the wall?

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You can and while there are a lot of fancy options out there, you can hang your bike ‘on the cheap’ with a simple, inexpensive storage hook, which you can find at the hardware store. They are designed for hanging from the ceiling or any wall, and they are easy to install and don’t cost much at all.,

You’ll need one hook if you just want to hang it vertically, otherwise, go ahead and get 2 and you can hang it horizontally. Either way, you’ll save a good amount of space!

Is it OK to store a bike with hydraulic brakes vertically?

That’s going to depend on how well you have been tending those hydraulic brakes. Typically, you want to service them and bleed them every 3 to 5 rides, or immediately after a particularly ‘wet and sloggy’ ride through mud or inclement weather.

Provided that you are doing this, it’s perfectly fine to store a bike with hydraulic brakes by hanging and this shouldn’t cause you any issues.

Is it OK to hang mountain bikes upside down?

Check your manual, but typically there will be a warning against hanging your mountain bike upside down with hydraulic brakes. Hanging it upright should be fine, but disc brakes aren’t designed for hanging upside down and this could put you at risk of a brake malfunction if you hang them this way.

As long as your bike is hung right-side-up, instead of upside down, then you should be fine, but it is not advised to hang your bike upside down or the brakes might not properly function on your next ride.

Does hanging a bike damage it?

No, not if you do it right. You’ll want to be sure to get some hooks that will be a little easier on your bike, such as vinyl storage hooks, and it’s a good idea to spend a little more to get a quality set.

You’ll need 1 hook if you wish to hang it vertically or 2 hooks if you want to mount and hang it horizontally.

Once the hooks are in place, the bike should be supported nicely, and the vinyl hooks will be much less likely to scratch your bike than hooks made from more abrasive materials.

What is the best way to store an MTB?

Ideally, anywhere out of the way is good, and you can add a little extra protection in the form of a bike storage bag. This protects it a bit from the elements and you are storing it level so that’s also easier on the brakes.

You could also invest in a bike storage shed if you don’t have the garage space, or keep the bike clean and store it inside.

Just resist the urge to store it in the backyard with no shelter or even a bag – left in the elements, you’ll have to deal with sunlight, moisture, and changing temperatures, which will reduce your bike’s overall life.

Should I hang my bike by the front or back tire?

Bicycles hung by the front tire outdoors.
Bicycles hung by the front tire outdoors.

It’s best to hang it by the back tire, so you won’t have to worry about as many moving parts. This, in turn, helps to ensure that there is much less wear and tear and the bike will be less likely to move inadvertently.

Hanging by the front tire, on the other hand, is not a very good idea, as you have more moving parts there, so there is a higher chance of damaging something if you don’t remove the bike very carefully. By using the back tire, you’ll have less worry and the bike will still hang just fine.

How much space do you need to store a bike vertically?

Provided that you don’t have a non-standard size, the recommended dimensions that you need to consider are a minimum of 72 inches for the vertical storage of your bike, which breaks down to 4 inches for the bike itself and 24 inches for the aisle.

You also want to count on allotting space so that the bike is 96 inches from the wall to the furthest side of the aisle. This will ensure that you have sufficient space to safely store your bike vertically so that it’s not crowded or at risk of accidental bumps that could scratch your bike or worse.