Can A Mountain Bike Fit In A Honda Civic?

If you have a mountain bike, and a Honda Civic, or thinking of getting one, you may be wondering if you can even fit your bike in it…

Can A Mountain Bike Fit In A Honda Civic?

With a little bit of effort, you can easily fit your mountain bike into a Honda Civic without damaging the bike or the car. To do so, you’ll have to put your back seats down and remove both wheels. Depending on your specific mountain bike, removing the wheels and putting them back on doesn’t take very long or require a lot of tools.

To make everything fit while the mountain bike is partially disassembled, you’ll want to lay your wheels. You’ll likely have to push them back so they’re laying on the folded-down back seats. You should then be able to lay your bike’s frame on the wheels.

You can place a towel or blanket between the wheels and frame should you be worried about scratches.

If your particular Honda Civic doesn’t have seats that fold down, you’ll likely have no other choice but to install a bike rack on your car. This is unless you can fit your wheels on your back seats or between the front and back seats and fit your mountain bike’s frame in the trunk.

Can A Bike Fit In The Trunk Of A Honda Civic?

A red honda civic parked on a pavement next to some tall buildings.
A red honda civic parked on the pavement next to some tall buildings.

You’re not going to be able to put an entire bike still intact into the trunk of a Honda Civic. As mentioned previously, you’ll have to take the wheels off and lay the frame on top of the wheels. It’s going to depend on how large your bike is and whether you can fold your back seats down.

How Big Is A Honda Civic Trunk?

Looks can be deceiving when it comes to a Honda Civic’s trunk size. The small car has a trunk that is typically just over 14 cubic feet unless the back seats are folded, in which case you get about 24 cubic feet.

How Do You Transport A Bike On A Honda Civic?

If it’s not feasible to make your bike fit into your Honda Civic, you have plenty of options. You can try a bike rack that fits either on your roof or the back of your car. You can play with your options, so long as your final choice is designed both for your car and your bike.

Not all racks are created equal.

Since Honda Civics lay pretty low to the ground, you might find it more feasible to use a roof rack. Your bike will be easier to load and unload onto a roof rack than it is with some other vehicles. That said, you don’t want to put a mountain bike on a roof rack if you can avoid it.

How Do You Transport A Mountain Bike?

The most ideal way to transport a mountain bike is inside your car using the above-mentioned method unless you have a different type of vehicle that allows you to load your bike another way. If you can’t fit your mountain bike in your car, you should use either a hitch rack or a rack mounted to the back of your vehicle.

How Do You Transport A Mountain Bike In A Small Car?

A Honda Civic, depending on the model, isn’t as small of a car as it used to be. There are smaller cars than a Civic, and you can transport a mountain bike in a smaller car with a few simple tips. For the most part, you’ll do everything similar to how you would when transporting a mountain bike in a Honda Civic.

You may find that you also have to adjust the passenger seat to make all the components of your mountain bike fit. Be sure you have a couple of blankets to protect both your bike and your car if the fit is compact, as your bike will likely move around a little bit as you’re driving.

How Do You Transport A Bike On A Car Without A Hitch?

If you have a car without a hitch, you are still able to mount a bike on the back of the car. There are bike racks that fit on the back of a trunk to keep your bike secure to the back of your car. They come in different varieties that can hold more than one bike if needed.

Can You Lay A Mountain Bike On Its Side?

It’s not recommended that you lay your bike down on its side, especially on a hard surface or on its drive side. It can potentially put undue pressure on your bike’s alignment, causing the gears to shift unnecessarily. If you can help it, try and have your mountain bike leaning against something so it’s not laying completely flat on its side.

Is It Harder To Ride A Mountain Bike On The Road?

A black mountain bike parked on a dirt road with trees on either side of the road.
A black mountain bike parked on a dirt road with trees on either side of the road.

Even though you would think a mountain bike could power through any terrain, it’s not the most suitable option to ride on the road. You might find that it’s not as easy to gain the momentum you would want on the road as opposed to if you were riding a regular trail bike.

You have to use a lot more force on a mountain bike, so you’re setting yourself up for more of a challenge when trying to use it as a trail bike on the road. If you find a mountain bike the most comfortable to ride, you can make it work.

What Is The Best Way To Store A Mountain Bike?

The best way to store your mountain bike is straight up, either by hanging it on a wall hook or sitting it upright in a bike rack. If the floor of your storage area is concrete, you want to lay down a rug as concrete and mountain bikes don’t mix well. If your mountain bike is hanging up, then you don’t need to be too concerned about flooring.

No matter how or where you store your mountain bike, you’ll want to give it a good clean and go over it with some lubrication. You don’t want any debris to make a permanent home on your mountain bike, causing rust and other unnecessary damage.