
Our Writers:

Welcome to Bike Follower, and an introduction to our writer(s), which may grow as we expand and grow this site…

Elijah Falworth

Elijah Falworth

Hi, my name is Elijah, I am a fan of bike riding. At the time of writing, I own a hybrid bike, the brand is called Specialized. It’s a Medium sized frame, as I am of average height and it fits well for me.

As a father of two children, and an IT professional as my main day job, biking is an excellent way for me to keep fit whenever I have time. I tend to average about 20-30 miles per week, over a few bike rides. I love to use my lunch break to cycle because I currently work from home. And yes, don’t worry, I still eat my lunch at my desk later, after riding, ha! 😉

I am not a professional writer, I am more of a fan that likes to write about what I love, so forgive me if I make some grammatical errors or are not as polished as other seasoned writers. I hope you like my articles and I hope to stay with BikeFollower.com for as long as they will have me!